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The Best Home Automation and Installation Firm for You

My brother just recently went with his wife and son to Universal Studios in Orlando. As we talked, I started remembering all the many things my family had done just one year previous on our family vacation. Oh yes, we all geeked out on the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. It was a really fun family experience with with our kids of 22, 18, and 16. The Harry Potter Series of Books and Movies were created during their formative years!

However, my mind started thinking of Diagon Alley and Ollivandars. You may or may not recall in the book and movies, Ollivanders was THE place for all young witches and wizards to get their Magic Wands. Yet, the real interesting part of this scene is that out of all the thousands of boxes stacked to the ceiling of this ancient store that all contained unique wands, there was just one waiting to CHOOSE its wizard. Mr. Ollivander was able to guide the process for the budding witches and wizards through the myriad of magic wands to get the best one that gave the most power at the correct value.

In the home and commercial automation industries, too many times a salesperson will say "This is your best solution for your needs." Is it really? Usually these companies represent only one or two manufacturers out of the many systems that are available. So how do you know which to choose?

It needs to select you.

So what do I mean by this as no store actually carries every manufacture of audio, video, lighting, climate, and control equipment. It is simply too difficult for a firm to represent and have trained installation and programming staff on all these complex systems. As well, a salesperson will normally not tell you if one is better suited for you that they do not carry. It is their job to sell product.

Technology Consultants, like Mr. Ollivander, can help guide you through the process. By asking simple questions we can narrow your needs down to a few key concepts from the 1,000s of options. Plus, we only want equipment that has a touchpoint in your life 24/7. By having someone try to understand your unique needs and see your reactions to various examples, you feel the power of the selection and not pushed to a product.

Ultimately, in this process, you discover the best way to control your home's or business' magic!

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